رد شدن به محتوای اصلی

No Sharia, No Integration

When the Islamic globalization was set to be introduced to non_Muslim nations, the leaders of the this global agenda who had already hired corrupt politicians, knew very well that the story of Integration they are going to tell people to convince them holding their policies against their culture, is nothing but a total bullshit.

Integration never has and never will be done as promised. In fact, the integration of Muslims in non-Muslim environment is like make a virus habitant to a healthy already fully functional live cell and expect it to be working even better !! They knew it’s not going to work at all, but instead, they brought up the issues like racism and religious tolerance to silence peoples’ voice opposing the system.

The globalism needs Islamic globalization as it’s very necessary phase.

When there are signs on the wall teaching Muslims how to sit on a toilet and still this signs are up for more than a decade, it means that Integration even does not work in the least forms of it and Muslims are absolutely sure that the way they do it, is perfect and what others do is wrong, stupid and unclean.

Those Muslims who come to western non-Muslim countries, first of all are the victims of a set of Sharia laws put to work in their countries of origin; Yet, when they are saved from their own beliefs from their own Islamic regimes, they claim the same brutal and anti everything non Islamic Sharia to be practiced freely. They call it freedom of religion and as manipulatively brainwashed formerly, for a long time almost all used to think that Islam is indeed the religion of peace! This myth is long deceased by rising ISIS and many people came to understand that if Islam was a tolerant religion for Mankind good, it has had 1400 years to prove it.

But shockingly, the history of Islam and of course, all other religions especially Semitic ones, is nothing but wars and bloodshed, torture and humiliation, anti women and anti children and killing any dissent ones who have been just different from the Muslim community.

You should know that Turkish Muslims even had a brigade called “Chegini” which by the order of Sultan, used to attack any opponents and eat him alive !!

This religion of peace has learned that by wars cannot occupy Europe, but with the favor of ratter politicians, they can smoothly enter Europe, Canada, US, Australia and then claim their Islamic rights, claim lands and resources.

People in Toronto Canada, have demonstrated against Quran and Islamic Sharia law. They have read Quran and know that the very core of this religion of Sahara, the Quran, has been teaching Muslims all this 1400 years to kill non-Muslims including Jews and Christians. They are willing to enter a main Islamic brain washing center, Mosque, to ask about those bloody Quranic verses from a Mullah.

People who don’t flush and eat Halal because they believe non-Halal foods are shit, have no respect for non-Muslims. They are pretending to be tolerant and as soon as their population reaches to a certain amount, they are going to topple the current order to establish a Islamic regime in the heart of Europe. They have already hijacked many aspects of the free world and their assault is proceeding every single day under local peoples’ nose.

Islam is made to destroy civilizations and that are going to do the same they did with Persian Sassanid Empire.

The same article in Faithfreedom.org


پست‌های معروف از این وبلاگ

اسناد شرارت و آدم فروشی محسن مخملباف

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