Every year, 9 million children die before they reach to age of 5. |Remember the Tsunami in Asia which killed quarter million of people. 9 million death ratio only for children under five, is 24.000 of them per day, 1000 every hour and 17 or so a minute.
Too many of other children die in terror and agony, wars, famine and... Think of parents, you might be one. Think how miserable you'll feel if your child dies, under five. And think that most of you men and women who lose your beloved children, do believe in God and even while pray for healthy or revival of your children, your prayers will not be answered.
You pray to and worship God, the God which kills children by the millions and you think he sees you and your children suffering until they are over. But parents degree themselves that they could do nothing to help them. Ask yourself whether your God is impotent or evil.
And worse than that, most of the people are going to hell, just because they are praying to the wrong God, while it's not their fault by being born in a wrong culture with a wrong ideology and so they miss the fucking revelation !!
No matter how good you're, just because you're worshiping the wrong God, you're doomed to burn in eternal inferno for good.
While the sick believers of fancy never proven God, has always attacked non-believers nations and even have tortured people in the lands they have already occupied, but still it's good and the mask of we're good just because we're Muslims, Christians and Jews, is enough to do all crimes now and throughout the history.
Even if there was a God and the God is virtually killing all Mankind, even our children in front of our eyes, why should we believe in such a child killing monster ??
Muslim Arabs in Gaza, set Israeli lands into fire by fire kites and target citizens by missiles and in response, Israeli army hunt their asses down in the places they hold terror weapons or hide their buts and if meanwhile a child is killed, the fake propaganda machine of Muslims and leftists are put to work to make a giant story out of even a false report to do something against Israel.
But at the same time, the stupidity established in Mankind's mindset including those Muslims, simply completely ignores the mass murder of children by Allah !!
It's not fair to praise a fancy non-existing God, but it's humiliating to worship one who even tortures and kills us all and will put us under eternal agony in hell.
As an ex-Muslim, I can see the same behavior of justifications and manipulations in Christian world and I see that every Human without caring to gender, race, nationality and..., is just under attack by .
an ancient mental and emotional manipulation