Recent load of craps towards President Trump, has been once more, systematically conducted by the worldly leftist movement, in US called "Democrats", the same people who fully support mass migration of illegal and fake (economic) refugees and have made up the stories such as "Islamism" and "Islamic Reformism" or "Religious intellectual" !!
Those who brought Khomeini to Iran to have built an Islamic government as the result of a century aggressive and violent movement of "Muslim Brotherhood" into power, are the same people who are defying Donald Trump.
Repeatedly it has been told and published in scientific journals that "Global Warming" due to Humans activity, is nothing but a hoax and just another fake news for the globalists' agenda and on the other hand, a bunch of fake news like "Young Turks" and "CNN", are trying to say that their own version of science is true which approves global warming as the result of Human activities. Those who make up such a fake news, are whom who cannot get the difference between Science and religion.
Although every corner of the media is loudly shouting about it, but I have personally never seen they dare to show the scientifically approved results, the way scientists present their work; Which means if they are telling the truth, why NEVER showing the facts and never a debate between pros and cons ?
The American establishment is being cleaned out of Toxic leftist debris, exactly like detoxification of an addict which is of course painful. This is what D. Trump is doing. On this trek, President Trump had formerly fired the Muslim judge in 2017 and completed the action of purifying the judicial system from Islamic brutal Sharia - which is creeping into our democratic foundations - by suggesting judge "Kavannah" for his new permanent place in American judiciary and court system.
Trump is fully aware of the chaotic situation made by Muslims. This Muslim judge have been working freely and implementing Islamic Sharia nonsenses, right under the nose of "Hussein Obama" and that's the point to mention why he and it's democrats did not take any reaction towards his illegal actions ?
Unfortunately some Muslim women have also been elected in recent US elections, out of which, some are Iranian Americans from Democrats. The other Muslim African Americans such as "Elhan Omar" also, are there to topple whatever America is known for to date and convert the nation from inside to paralyze the head of fighting for rights that billions of people all over the world are trying to reach out to them. The globalism is the ultimate name for Islamic imperialism with alliance with Leftists.
Ban i$lam worldwide
Boycott Democrats