رد شدن به محتوای اصلی

Just be a goo:D person and tolerate the pain

Invisible so called rationality and morality of Islam, is hidden in the dark sides of the religion that mainstream media don't talk about it. The principles that are nothing but the foundations of the current Islamic shameless behavior against gays, women, Jews, Infidels and... . What are fueling Islamic onrush by the way, are the recitations and interpretations that are backed by Quran which at the same time are backing the Quranic Satanic verses itself.

What if the governments in free Europe decide to settle CCTVs in every corner of any Islamic center for real time observations.

In this case, they might know what's going on in those brain washing centers 24/7 and on the other hand, those Muslims may not reveal their true face under surveillance. But that's Ok, because whatever wherever else is plotted and conducted to be harmful to society, can and will be considered as an illegal activity or even taking an action for terrorism: And therefore, a big obstacle such as Mosque to be a respected as a house of Islamic worship, is already removed tactically !!

Islam and religions that are spreading nonsenses and superstitions throughout the societies, are not stoppable until the force to stand against them would be much greater than them to stop and force them to retreat. This great force of course, must be rooted in Peoples' will which is legislation in the Parliaments, but when corrupted persons and parties such as "Jeremy Corbyn" in UK and "Lofven" in Sweden and all other left wing parties and members are spreaded throughout the nations, supporting aggressive and illegal Muslim migration and terrorist organizations such as "Hizbollah" and "Hamas", then we cleverly must be disappointed to the current situation of legislation to enable us resolve the delusion that Islam is here for betterment and to enrich the western culture.

How many Muslims have come back to Europe from Syrian civil war out of ISIS and other Muslim Terrorist Gangs fighting there ?

People living in freedom and democracy are facing such a chaos brought to them by politicians and political parties and whom who are supporting this mess abroad such as "G. Soros". When democracy is failing to support the nations' security as one the basic necessities of forming a nation, the only alternative the evil movements will offer, would be Fascism. The European type of Fascism which is laying under nationalism - although is not patriotic but racist such as Nazism - will meet the arrogant Islamic imperialism that believes to the core that Islam must and will dominate the world.

Out of this chaotic situation which is being formed and will be accomplished by 2022, the 3rd kind of Fascism will be rising that is originated from Europe, but not elected by European people. This newly bastard Fascist state, is already demanding it's own military to defy the European alliance with US known as NATO.

What may and will happen then, is to let more Islamic countries such as Bosnia and Turkey to join the European Union by twisting the NATO and replacing Turkey and other Islamic nations with undesired countries such as Poland, Bulgaria and... .

When EU reaches to this stage and Islamic countries would become a part of EU and considered as European nations, this is the "No Return Point" (NRP) of our time to be a major step forward for a global fascist government to come.

The only thing you need to do, is to be "politically correct" or in other words being a "goo:D person";
 Because that's what makes you their bitches and they will saddle whom who have kept their silence to the rising of another Hitler-Islamic fascist regime, but this time, firstly it will dominate EU and many other allied nations in a global scale and then will infiltrate and indoctrinate it's very venomous principles.The definition of a good person in this situation can be only interpreted as a Donkey.

Kill the EU before Hitlerian Islamic Globalization would kill you.


پست‌های معروف از این وبلاگ

اسناد شرارت و آدم فروشی محسن مخملباف

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