رد شدن به محتوای اصلی

Islam is nothing but hatred

Islam is not only created and based on hatred, but this is the way of it's survival to spread hatred as a poison into Mankind's veins.

Muslims are victims too. If we consider Islam as a virus, a religious virus, then the first victims of such a disease would be the Muslim populations at first place. Whom who have no idea why carrying such a belief but know they have inherited the political religious cult of Mohammad which it's legacy is hatred against any moving objects, different ideas and diversities. Islam even hates Music and Mohammad even had banned playing flute, considering it a call on Satan !!

Islam hates Jews and Zoroastrians firmly. The history of Islam demonstrates this hatred when the Jewish tribes were wiped out from Hijaz sub-continent today known as Saudi Sahara. The next step for the Islamic imperialism was to attack a non-Semitic empire of Sassanid Persia.

Today we see Muslims following the very same principles of Islam: "Hatred towards Iranians and Israel" to the teeth. They launch terrorist groups such as ISIS to fight the remnants civilization of Iran in Syria and Iraq and kill Iranian blood Izadees who follow an old Persian belief system today known as "Yaaressan". In Afghanistan, Mother of ISIS, the Taliban and Alquada, are formed on a pure Islamic instructions which defies the Iranian made and backed Shia. Sunni Muslims who are true Muslims, use Islam as a weapon against Iranian civilization which is labeled and hijacked as Shia Islam.

In Quran, Christianity and Judaism are conditionally accepted as true religions and brazenly considered as Islamic religions and even David and Solomon are known to be Muslim in Islam and Quran has declared that no religion is accepted by Allah but Islam. But at the same time, The Persian religions of the time such as Zoroastrianism, Mitraism and Manichaeism, never mentioned in Quran and the followers of those religions were slaughtered and enslaved the way Muslims of ISIS did to Izadee people. The period between those wars against Iranian people and religions is covered by these two brutal events that does cover the Islamic wars against Jews as well.

In brief, Islam is nonsensely being tolerated in the modern world while other religions are not being tolerated in Islamic nations.

Those who are from the Semitic branch, are not allowed to spread their beliefs and if one like "Asia Bibi" just ask "what Mohammad has done for Humanity ?", she will be doomed in Islamic jail for 9 years and the world witnessed how Muslims in Pakistan are blood thirsty for her execution. A Christian mother who was condemned to be separated from her two children for 9 years for asking a simple rational question about the self proclaimed prophet of Islam.

Islam hates dancing, Music, Gays, Jews, Christians, Parsees, Hindus, Budhists, Izadees, west !! But at the same time they love communists ?!

If Islam would be banned and shut down in the free world and if Islam would be treated the way Nazism is being treated, the Humanity is saved one more time from a global fascism. The experiences of Soviets and Nazis are enough for Mankind's sufferings and Islam as a worldly cancer needs to be destroyed and overwhelmed before it is too late. Islam cannot be reformed.

Out of duplicity, American companies and their world leftist backers based in London and D.C, allegedly fight hate speech but let the virus of Islam being separated through their networks calling it freedom of speech !!

When Islam is spreading it's hateful agenda calling it "Halal food", why no one stands up to oppose the Islamic hate crime, while it is a hateful behavior towards whom who don't eat halal because halal means clean to eat and if others are not Muslim and don't follow a halal principle in their food diet, they are considered to be having unclean and dirty according to the barbaric Islam. The religion which has come out of the most uncivilized region of the world which when Mohammad the charlatan claimed to be a sent prophet by Allah, had only 17 Arabs in the entire territory of Hijaz who could read and write !!

Islam is made in Sahara with a tribal frame of thoughts and beliefs which has been imposed to other nations by the force of sword and bloodshed.

Don't play with fire
Ban i$lam worldwide


پست‌های معروف از این وبلاگ

اسناد شرارت و آدم فروشی محسن مخملباف

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