رد شدن به محتوای اصلی

Good Muslim, Bad Muslim

Firstly people were shocked to see some Muslims are doing extremism! It was against the view they had about Muslims from 3rd world countries always known to be under brutal imperialism and colonization.

But later, people gradually and sometimes out of blue, faced this fact that some of Muslims are literally very aggressive and malicious about their life style and civilization, the way their only goal in life is to destroy whatever they see in west and if they cannot do it immediately, yoha! they have a long term plan to conquer and ruin. It is a victory for them if they can change any non-Muslim tradition and belief to be considered as victory of Islam upon west.

The reason that people were so naive about Islam, was only because the arrogance accumulated in their minds.

A western country which is way too advanced in science and technology, social relations and justice, Humanities and aspect of the future, had totally neglected the miserable life people are facing daily and for decades and even centuries, and when they were made to see the results of Islamic occupation in their lands, they just found out how letting go problems around to say "it is not my fucking problem", what a huge set of undesired consequences it would have. It is called "panacea after death".

For example, decades before North Korea that it's people just died in millions scale in 2 decades ago, US had blasted 2 atomic bombs in Japan which not only means the absolute misuse of technology, but a very advance in modern technology when the N. Korean was not even formed! But Mumbo Jumbo... today N. Korea exists and they have atomic and hydrogen bombs; which means if they can have it, why not Pakistan, India, Israel or a a new western-soviet backed Islamic Republic regime in Iran ?

If you conquer India for centuries and be proud that sun never sets over your flag and while leaving the sub-continent just because the new era is coming and at the same time indeed separate that ancient land to several fake and new born nations such as easter and western Pakistan, you cannot expect to not receiving an Indian Karma to your ass in your British soil by holding over 6 millions of the most benevolent Islamic form from Pakistan, basically in London and Birmingham that a high rate of the dwelling Muslim population in there to be proud not even speaking English in British territory !!

Tit for Tat.

The media of the same west today, is making people to fall asleep and shed their eyes to the current annoying facts that Muslim occupation of western societies is a very basic of a total disaster which cannot be undone in future. That's when that some rats like Macron and Merkel speak brazenly that Germany, France and all other European nations MUST accept more and more migrants from Islamic world.

The socialist corrupt politicians like the German dictator Angela Merkel, have zero respect to sovereignty of German people over their own land and they brazenly dare to talk about nationalism. They never tried to clarify the absolute differences between racism and fascism with nationalism, because they knew what they are doing and it was the situation of keeping people naive and imaginary they could take the most advantage from. At the same time, globalists such as Freemasons as the very foundations of almost any political and religious and economic foundations, were working so hard to unlock the seals for a future they have been fighting for it for centuries.

Good Muslim is still living but always is being misused by bad Muslim. In Pakistan, the Islamic terrorist groups are residing legally in the land calling themselves political parties, fully armed with millions of Muslim followers that all not only hate west, Jews and Christians, but their first problem are the Shia Muslims who are known as a cult of deviation to Islam.

Good Muslims in Pakistan are holding the capital, shave their beard and speak about democracy and Human rights and freedom, while at the back scene, the terrorist Muslims are not even tolerating "Asia Bibi". UK and Islamic Republic of Sweden, deny to offer asylum to her and her family because it might hurt the feelings of Muslims in their lands and US can neglect sawing J. Khashoggi directly ordered by Bin Salman the crown prince of Saudi Sahara for a very high economic reasons everyone knows about.

In Karachi, over 500.000 of Muslims are addicted to opium and it's derivatives such as Heroin. In Pakistan, the allegedly good Muslim government, has no influence to many parts of the land and those territories are being run by Muslim terrorist gangs we know it's ice cap as Taliban and Alquada.

Pakistan supports Saudi Sahara if they come to war with Iran and Islamic Republic regime of Iran has newly suggested to back Saudis ass from any types of danger. N. Korean technology for making missiles and technology of Pakistani atomic bombs was handed to Islamic regime in Iran by "Abdul Ghadeer Khan" and Shia regime of Iran has backed the terrorist group of Hizbullah to annihilate Israel with their pin point missiles.

Bad Muslims hate Jews according to Quran, but at the same time they hate Shias as well.

People in Iran are trying so hard to get rid of an occupying Islamic regime and in west you are being silenced by fascist rules to keep your silence about the Islamic domination and occupation of your lands.

In the religious fascist regime of Islamic Republic that men and women have been repeatedly raped, tortured and assassinated in prisons and their homes, women dare to drop the compelling humiliating Islamic Arab Hijab, and simultaneously in west, the very same leftist politicians are forcing the non-Muslim indigenous people of Europe to obey Islamic Sharia laws on Hijab, Halal and so on, tolerate the rapes of their women and children by creepy Muslim migrants and shut their mouth up to the shit they are at.

They don't want Europeans to feel pain about mass migration. But I know a hack... If you want wake the people up from their stupid deathlike asleep, make them feel the pain, break TV sets, demonstrate daily in streets and show your physical presence in the society in support of non-Islamic but Humanitarian values that west stands for. Support gays and reveal the pedophile face of Mohammad. support non-Halal foods and consider Halal and Kosher as an insult to non-Muslims. Atheists MUST run sessions in libraries and streets for public. Mosques must obey any non-Islamic values of the west or get closed.

Islam shall not win if good would not keep silence.

The same article in Faithfreedom.org


پست‌های معروف از این وبلاگ

اسناد شرارت و آدم فروشی محسن مخملباف

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