رد شدن به محتوای اصلی

Battle of al-Qadisiyyah

It was exactly 1382 years ago that Islamic Arab Terrorism, attacked Iran, Persian Sassanid Empire collapsed and thousands of years old Persian civilization fell off on the greedy hands of Muslim Arabs of Sahara who till date, only might have heard about gardens, flowers, lands of greens, trees, myths, diversity of dishes, cloths and the vast relationship of Persia.

It was a disaster.

The honor medallion Saddam Hussein used to give to it's allegedly war heroes. The wringer Muslim military officers whose anti Iranian attitudes have been proven to the fullest at the battle of war. In Arabic at the bottom of the medallion is written: "The badge of attendance, Ghadessiah, Saddam".
Muslim Arabs those times, were not a type of "illegal migrants", they were real enemies. They were killing any Man and Women who were not Muslim or were not to obey the Islamic Sharia. Persians were doomed to become Muslim or to be slaughtered, enslaved and lose their everything !! It is true, it is not a myth, it has happened, for the first time in history of Mankind. Yes, Persians are the first victims of Islam.

The battle of Ghadessiah in the poems of Ferdowsi the Great, the epic poet of Iran. He wrote and collected his poems in the poetry book called "Shah-Nameh" literally meaning "The book of the Kings".
In 1981, All Muslim Arab nations (except Libia and Syria) worldwide, gathered together to make a film in the glory and remembrance of that omnious day. Yes they made it and called it "Al-Ghadessiah" !!

This movie was made the date that Muslim Arab leader "Saddam Hussein" had already begun war with Iran; The war he called it "The 2nd Ghadessiah". The war that long lasted for 8 years to be the longest war in the past century after Vietnam war. The war that had US intelligent support, USSR missiles and weapons and of course billions of dollars sponsored by Saudi Sahara and other Arab countries plus the soldiers they used to dispatch to Iraq to attend the Islamic Arab Army of Bathi regime of Iraq. Egyptians alone supported the Islamic war against Iran by providing constant 10.000 troops on the ground at the service of Iraqi army.

Iraq of course did not win.

But this reminding vaccination to Islam, was absolutely necessary for Iranians to remember how their ancestors have been treated by Muslim Arabs in 1400 years ago. The revenge of Ghadessiah is still on the way. The day that the centers of Mecca, Medina and Riaddh would be perished as the centers of Islamic Caliphate which the world today knows they are supporting ISIS and did support the terrorist incident in Ahvaz.

Stop Islam before Muslims kill you and ruin your civilization. Iran never died and never does. We are at war with Islam not Muslims. Islam is aggressive, invasive and has ZERO tolerance against anyone with the least difference to it. Islam kills to dominate and to survive. Islam is alive by Sauid Petro-dollars and as President Trump truly stated, if US stops backing the barbaric Islamic regime in Saudi Sahara, the so called government of the Islamic Caliphate will collapse by Iran within 2 weeks.

9/11 was created by Muslim Terrorists, not Iranians. Iran without the Islamic regime in Tehran, will be a close friend to Israel again. The problem is Islam, not Iran. Iran is not attacking anywhere in the middle east, it is Islamic republic regime. People of Iran who fight for their freedom in Iran and abroad, put a huge gap and draw prominent line between Iran and the Islamic regime in Tehran.

The same article on Faithfreedom.org


پست‌های معروف از این وبلاگ

اسناد شرارت و آدم فروشی محسن مخملباف

" محسن مخملباف " که در سال ۱۳۵۳ به همراه دو نفر دیگر، اقدام به  یورش تروریستی  با چاقو به پاسبان خیابان ایران (مرحوم شامبیاتی) می کنند، در درگیری با وی مجروح و دستگیر می شود. اینک مستندات پرونده ی مخملباف را به نقل از گزارش ساواک و نیز گزارش روزنامه ی اطلاعات در اختیار همگان می گزاریم. همچنین گواهی نزدیکان و قربانیان وی مبنی بر همکاریش با آدمخوار رژیم لاجوردی (فرنشین وقت زندان اوین)، در دستگیری و پرونده سازی برای مخالفان جمهوری اسلامی را نیز مورد بررسی قرار می دهیم. گزارش ساواک از دستگیری محسن مخملباف سازمان اطلاعات و امنيت كشور س. ا. و. ا. ک خيلی محرمانه گزارش بازجویی مشخصات متهم "محسن" فرزند "حسين"، شهرت مخملباف، شماره ی شناسنامه ۶۱۴۴۸ تهران، متولد ۱۳۳۶ تهران، شغل كارگر بازار (پسته ‌فروشی) مغازه ی لطفعليان، سرای پايدار، محل سكونت: تهران خيابان صفاری، كوچه ی يخچال، نبش كوچه، بالای لبنياتی، منزل اجاره‌ ای، مجرد، ميزان تحصيلات سوم متوسطه، دين اسلام، مذهب شيعه اثنا عشری، تابعيت دولت شاهنشاهي ايران، فاقد سابقه ی اتهامی و كيفری از نظر ضد امنيتی م...

دیدار پر سر و صدای نخست وزیر سوئد با دانالد ترامپ در کاخ سپید

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