رد شدن به محتوای اصلی


نمایش پست‌ها از نوامبر, ۲۰۱۸

Muslims of Uyghur and Chechnya; Why I don't give a f**k!

The communist regime of China has been moderated during all this time from a dictator who used to slaughter all sparrows to a cute apple faker. During all this time, the Muslim super minority in China, have been neglected by the open eyes of the Human rightists and all the focus have been on China. Now that the relations between US and China have been way too much improved than 30 years back and specifically President Trump is correcting the nature of economic and political relationships with China which has achieved very good results as well, the globalists have out of blue considered the sufferings Muslims there are enduring! Yeah, I bet! This stupid pattern of globalists to fall in love with Muslims, is not new. I don't know, maybe it was just 20 years ago that the same cute Muslims in Russia, were also in problem and the tyrant regime of just-post-soviet was ahaa... torturing men and women of the Islam clan in Chechnya. In those times the media were sayin...

Trump the Shmug hunter

Recent load of craps towards President Trump, has been once more, systematically conducted by the worldly leftist movement, in US called "Democrats", the same people who fully support mass migration of illegal and fake (economic) refugees and have made up the stories such as "Islamism" and "Islamic Reformism" or "Religious intellectual" !! Those who brought Khomeini to Iran to have built an Islamic government as the result of a century aggressive and violent movement of "Muslim Brotherhood" into power, are the same people who are defying Donald Trump. Repeatedly it has been told and published in scientific journals that "Global Warming" due to Humans activity, is nothing but a hoax and just another fake news for the globalists' agenda and on the other hand, a bunch of fake news like "Young Turks" and "CNN", are trying to say that their own version of science is true which approves global w...

علیرضا رضایی میهن پرستی در غربت، جاودانه شد

علیرضا رضایی طناز و خوش سخن، نویسنده و وبلاگ نویس ارزنده و پر کار ایران پرست و ضد دین، از میان زندگان رفت و جاودانه شد. بر خلاف همه ی کسانی که بنیان و ریشه ی تلاش های او را هرگز در همه ی این سال ها درنیافتند و با بیشعوری محض مرگ او را به جهان موهوم هواله دادند، جاودانگی یاد و کردار او را می ستایم، با این اندیشه که او پس از مرگ به هیچ جا نرفته است و تنها زندگی او به پایان رسیده و اگر جاودانگی ایی باشد، همانا یاد و خاطره و میراث او برای زندگان است. چهره ها می میرند، اما جنبش ایران پرستی و زدایش دین و خدای موهوم هرگز نخواهد مرد. او با تاثیری سنگین بر مردم، توانست باورها و غل و زنجیرهای دینی و برده کننده ای را که هزاران سال دستگاه دین فروشی آخوندی زرتشتی و اسلامی بر گردن و دست و پای مردمان ایران زده بود، به ریشخند بگیرد و آنها را به چالش بکشد؛ چالشی از سنخ اینکه، با شما به هر گونه که بد هم رفتار کنیم و به فاضلاب متعفن تاریختان بفرستیم، باز هم خدایان کزایی زرتشتی و اسلامیتان هیچ غلطی نمی توانند بکنند، همانگونه که نکردند. او باور ریشه دوانده در ذهنیت ایرانی را به ریشخند می گرفت و ب...


It was controversial to President Trump if he had used term "Shithole" mentioning to some countries or regions of the world and it was doomed by globalists to be called a matter of racism. It's just simply not true that this comment of Trump is racist. Actually the fascist globalist media struggled so hard to convince all how Donald Trump is a racist president! We should ask why events are being misinterpreted by a lying and dishonest set of media worldwide ? Why they dare to tell us their own version of false and fake news and benevolent  interpretations, while Trump truly didn't mean to say something racist. In this untrue media business, again you can see that Muslim regimes such as Islamic Republic in  Iran and the stateless socialist globalists that are acting the alike and following the very same principles of slander and attributing lies to anyone who is not accepting their fascist ideas. In Iran, the Islamic rulers of the tyranny, have rec...

Good Muslim, Bad Muslim

Firstly people were shocked to see some Muslims are doing extremism! It was against the view they had about Muslims from 3rd world countries always known to be under brutal imperialism and colonization. But later, people gradually and sometimes out of blue, faced this fact that some of Muslims are literally very aggressive and malicious about their life style and civilization, the way their only goal in life is to destroy whatever they see in west and if they cannot do it immediately, yoha! they have a long term plan to conquer and ruin. It is a victory for them if they can change any non-Muslim tradition and belief to be considered as victory of Islam upon west. The reason that people were so naive about Islam, was only because the arrogance accumulated in their minds. A western country which is way too advanced in science and technology, social relations and justice, Humanities and aspect of the future, had totally neglected the miserable life people are facing dail...

Just be a goo:D person and tolerate the pain

Invisible so called rationality and morality of Islam, is hidden in the dark sides of the religion that mainstream media don't talk about it. The principles that are nothing but the foundations of the current Islamic shameless behavior against gays, women, Jews, Infidels and... . What are fueling Islamic onrush by the way, are the recitations and interpretations that are backed by Quran which at the same time are backing the Quranic Satanic verses itself. What if the governments in free Europe decide to settle CCTVs in every corner of any Islamic center for real time observations. In this case, they might know what's going on in those brain washing centers 24/7 and on the other hand, those Muslims may not reveal their true face under surveillance. But that's Ok, because whatever wherever else is plotted and conducted to be harmful to society, can and will be considered as an illegal activity or even taking an action for terrorism: And therefore, a bi...

فرهنگ طلبکاری و مفت خوارگی با محمد راسولولا: کابین زن چارم

تو نمی فهمی، وگرنه اسلام خعلیم خوبه هزرط محمد پیامبر خودخوانده و زن باز اسلام اهریمنی، خود از جمله زن بازانی بود که در حدیثی می سراید: "من از جهان شما سه چیز را بیشتر از همه چیز دوست می دارم: «زن، عطر و نماز»" !! با چنین پیامبری کزایی بود که عرب بیابانگرد و وحشی، تازه دوزاری ماتحت جاهلیتش افتاد که از دار دنیا که این همه عشق و حال را به واسطه ی صحرای سوزان و لب ناز و کلفت شتر و خار و سنگ و شن به جای بوستان و گلستان از او دریغ کرده، هیچ بهره ای ندارد و به فکر چاره افتاد که چگونه باشد تا بتواند از زن و عطر در کنار نمازی که او را به سرسرای فاحشه خانه ی الله در بهشت الکزا می برد، نهایت بهره برداری را بنماید. هزرط محمد راسولولا، در کتابش با عنوان "قرآن الکزا" می آورد که هر نر الله پرستی می تواند تا چار زن را زیر عنوان همسر، به تملک جنسی خود و در زندان مرد سالارانه ی اسلامیش درآورد و افزون بر آن، تا می تواند هم می تواند کنیز و برده ی جنسی ابتیا بنماید. هزرط محمد به واسطه ی "اندیشه ی کیرتیزانه" ی نبوی خویش، امة در صحنه و پاپتی عرب الله پرست بدوی را ...

Islam is nothing but hatred

Islam is not only created and based on hatred, but this is the way of it's survival to spread hatred as a poison into Mankind's veins. Muslims are victims too. If we consider Islam as a virus, a religious virus, then the first victims of such a disease would be the Muslim populations at first place. Whom who have no idea why carrying such a belief but know they have inherited the political religious cult of Mohammad which it's legacy is hatred against any moving objects, different ideas and diversities. Islam even hates Music and Mohammad even had banned playing flute, considering it a call on Satan !! Islam hates Jews and Zoroastrians firmly. The history of Islam demonstrates this hatred when the Jewish tribes were wiped out from Hijaz sub-continent today known as Saudi Sahara. The next step for the Islamic imperialism was to attack a non-Semitic empire of Sassanid Persia. Today we see Muslims following the very same principles of Islam: "Hatred ...

Sweden, Islamic Republic of

Sweden is trapped in it's proclaimed diversity approach. The country which is known as the least racist country in the entire Europe, today has become the junction of Muslim immigrants that the stupid idea of "political correctness" considers it as Islamism. That's a fraud. By changing and making words, appointed politicians are trying to tell the public that their choices are theirs while neglecting the obvious facts such as the rapid growth in crimes after mass migration crisis. More to this chaos, there are the 2nd generation of immigrants who are holding the gang rapes up in the society and selling drugs who are mostly dwelling in suburbs with no job and no education. The socialist Sweden is in a chaotic pit that will long last for many years to come. Sweden has decided to build the biggest Mosque in the entire Europe, while on the basis of Muslim population, is holding the least quantity of them. At the same time, politicians who are all from left w...

Free Islam = Death of freedom

Wildlife is naturally separated from Mankind's territory and if you defy that separation, you are going to fight for your survival in the wilderness. Animals kill each other for food, sex and territory and in brief for survival. Humans know survival very well. Where there are still Jungle rules at work, where we call them less civilized nations, people are always angry, super aggressive and the violence is a normal part of daily life for both the people and the state. Rule of Jungle. History is telling the existence of such a reality before and after existence of religions. Not only Humans didn't become more civilized by religions, that definitely not as civilized as today, but religions justified their barbaric behavior in many and any ways. The Jewish religion brought stoning to believers as a holy action against adultery and put it in bible. Christianity and Islam picked it up and followed the same path, calling it the unchangeable truth. Wonderfully the only d...