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Black magic Friday with Jesus Mojo

It happened on behalf of the ever absent god to save Mankind from a divine nightmare. In fact, god incarnated as Jesus and saved his allegedly created Humans from his own anger which has led all to damnation, just because of the first and original sin !!

Yes and yet neither that god nor it's Jesus the prophet, ever were detained in a mental hospital, simply because there wasn't any !!

What comes to mind about Jesus, is that how his religion was set to be under his name, though he never tried by himself to implement such a vast Persian traditions from Mitraism to Manichaeism, the elements such as his 12 disciples which is very Manichaeism to his resurrection on the 3rd day which resembles the other. But the godly Mumbo thing does not end here.

Jesus was very much worried about Mankind and their destiny. He walked as many as cities and villages he could and tried to warn people about their hellish end !! On all the occasions he was blessed by his less that Moses's Charisma for absorbing less people to his newly established faith. He actually was struggling to save the people from the curse he had made on them since the beginning, when he was just a god and not a man yet. Maybe he has changed his mind to save Humans from their misery after he was born in flesh and blood.

During all those years of his life, he saw people sick and in pain, but instead of teaching them science enabling them to find out ways to cure their diseases and teach them how to live in peace and harmony in a real-world practice, he went on his Mumbo Jumbo thing to do miracles, making a basket of never finishing bread or reviving a dead one. His arrogance to coin those miracles into his name, led to a belief system that his followers are still hanged to it and for example if you don't believe it how far this stupidity has gone, just take a look at the HIV+ Christian Africans who are forbidden to use condoms, just because it's not accepted by the religion of the Christ! 

Or how the Angel Of Hell nee "Mother Theresa" who had ordered to use the same syringe for all patients, not even washing them !! She believed that god will clean the jerks out the syringes and there will be no threat to the patients. She did a nice devilish job and raised the ratio of HIV+ Indian people to a very high range to be another heritage of the Christian world for the already exploited India.

Wonderfully the Christ has got hundreds of thousands of followers in Hindustan today, which means the more the tyranny, the more the believers in trap !!

Yes, Jesee didn't care about any of those miseries, but only worried for his own curse put on people by him, since the beginning and in the middle, he might have been doing a deal with the Satan he has once upon a time invented out of the blue !!

The magic Friday is a black Friday that Jesus Khan chose to be a merciful god to resign his Manhood over his eternity to gracefully give redemption to Mankind. It's a black magic Friday that the incarnated god misuses people to believe deeper and deeper in him, instead of simply teaching them how to make an Aspirin or Anti-biotic. It's a magic Friday that Jesee Mojo rests in peace for next global wars to come, which he of course never gave a damn about, including WW1&2. 

No one yet knows clearly how far this madness can go, but we should not forget that "Adolph Hitler" was a Catholic Christian.

The same article on Faithfreedom.org


پست‌های معروف از این وبلاگ

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